Schedule your Transponder or IFR check NOW: Immediate availability
Audemus is dedicated to serving the needs and desires of the general aviation family. From custom avionics installations and inspections to specialty services like propeller balancing and Corrosion X treatments, we like to believe we know what you need and want, because as pilots, mechanics, and aircraft owners, we know what we need and want.
Aircraft & Aviation Specialty Services
In addition to our Repair Station capabilities, we also provide specialty aircraft services in News, VA, Mattaponi, VA, Norfolk VA, and the Washington, D.C. Metro Area, under Part 43. We have Inspection Authorized A&P mechanics on staff with the tools and training for:
Propeller Balancing
Corrosion X treatments
Avionics testing
Mobile Altimeter and Transponder Systems Tests and Inspections CRS #21YR724C
We are an FAA Certified Repair Station authorized to test and inspect Altimeter and Transponder systems to meet the requirements under CFR 14 91.411 and 91.413. This is a requirement every 24 months, or, following any maintenance or event where an error could be introduced. We can perform these tests at our location, or in many cases, workload permitting, at your location
We are authorized to operate a Mobile Maintenance Unit (MMU) that is equipped with ground power, both 14VDC and 28VDC, for powering your aircraft during testing.
Transponder and encoder (Meets VFR Requirements) - $185
Single Transponder, Encoder and Altimeter (Meets IFR Requirements) - $385
Additional Altimeter - $190
Additional Transponder - $175
Travel Fee: In some instances, a modest travel fee may be required.
Custom Aircraft Avionics
We are installation capable dealers for GARMIN INTERNATIONAL. GARMIN is the leader in aircraft avionics. They provide an entire suite of avionics solutions for your airplane with unsurpassed reliability and functionality.
P.O Box 60, Williamsburg, VA 23185